How to configure Let’s Encrypt certificate for your shared hosting


letsencryptCore-Admin (, includes a specific application to manage and request Let’s Encrypt certificates. It also has a “one-click” application that allows requesting a certificate for a particular shared hosting. We explain how.

Request a Let’s Encrypt cert : one-click steps

Log in into your shared hosting panel, click on your Shared hosting application and then click on “Options”. Finally, click on “Request ...

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Change hostname for your Centos 7

In order to change your system’s hostname if you are running Centos 7, follow these steps:

  1. Update the following file /etc/sysconfig/network by replacing or adding the variable HOSTNAME with the following format:
  2. After that, ensure your main server IP address (see it with hostname -i) is pointing to the new hostname by updating or replacing if needed, inside the file /etc/hosts, so you should leave it as the following example (assuming you are running with the IP address   ...
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Autorizar una IP en tu blog WordPress desde Core-Admin

En el caso de que necesites controlar el acceso a tu wordpress mediante IPs autorizadas, a continuación le pasamos los pasos para hacer la gestión de las mismas desde su panel de Core-Admin

  1. Primero, selecciona la aplicación de gestión de alojamientos dentro de la vista general de su máquina:
  2. Luego, seleccione el dominio donde esté instalado el wordpress que quiera configurar.
  3. Dentro del dominio verá una pestaña llamada “Webs WordPress” que le ...
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