For an effective mail service, it is needed a responsible use

All mail servers for shared plans offered by ASPL hosting includes the latest mechanism for anti-spam and continuous supervision with the sole goal of having all mails delivered to its destination as soon as possible

To make this happen, the mail server has to be used for people to people communication, and avoid as much as possible news, bulletin and any other bulk send operation. To that end, ASPL hosting offers you a set of products that are designed for this purpose.

Next, you will find additional reasons to explain why it is not allowed bulk/massive send operations for shared hosting services:

  • REPUTATION: all servers have a reputation that has to be protected day by day. This reputation might be affected according to the mail sent by these servers. If they are bulk/massive mail sendings (bulletin and news), this reputation might be affected and there is a bigger change to have the server listed at any of the BLACK LISTS running in the internet.
  • SHARED: because it is a shared service, it is needed to handle all requests as soon as possible. However, if a shared server receives massive/bulk mail, it pushes and delays the queue, causing a general delay to handle all pending mail. Considering this, we understand you don’t like to be delayed by others’ bulk/massive sendings so we ask same collaboration to you to avoid rest of users being affected.
  • PROCESSING SPEED: The mail service has to be able to send and process all messages sent in seconds and this is achieved most of the time. However if the server receives bulk operations (that again, will delay everything) will not only degrade the service but also will increase chances to get listed. Both elements will cause unacceptable delays and delivery problems that a service with high quality cannot afford.

Having all this in mind, mail servers detect and limit all these bulk operations to avoid delays that might affect and degrade the service.

If you want to make this bulk/massive operations then check out our available plans for bulk/massive sendings with controlled reputation.